Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. In two or three sentences tell us what Veteran's Day means to you?
The men and women who have put themselves in harm's way for our safety deserve better than our nation treats them.  Their courage and integrity are inspirational.

2. What's your favorite film with a patriotic theme woven into the storyline?
I really liked the movie Men of Honor.

3. Flu shot-yes or no? If you answered no, do you plan to get a flu shot? If not, why not? Have you ever had the flu?
Yes, I've gotten mine this year.  The last time I had the flu was about three years ago, when they misjudged what the dominant strains would be and a lot of the people who got the shot wound up with the flu anyway.  I was one of those lucky ones.  Fortunately, my family didn't catch it.

4. I've seen lots of people posting pictures of their Christmas trees up and decorated. Many stores have had Christmas on display since well before Halloween. Red cups are back at Starbucks, sans the holiday decor, and that has some people up in arms. What are your thoughts on all the holiday ruckus this second week of November?
Putting a Christmas tree up this early isn't how I roll, but I understand why it makes my friends happy.  One of my friends said she does it because the kids love it, and they're only little for a short time.  The stores having their Christmas stuff up before Halloween wears me out, but I understand why it's up in November--how else am I supposed to decide how I'm decorating my house this year?  I think the people getting upset about the red cups have a really narrow view of what Christmas means--instead of getting upset about a cup, how about I take my own travel cup to my favorite coffee shop, get it filled up, and then buy some food for our local food pantry?

5. What 'critter' are you most afraid of encountering unexpectedly? Why that one?
Hm.  It's a toss up between a brown recluse spider or a house centipede.  House centipedes are creepy and like to hide in the folds of shower curtains or sneak out from things I'm trying to clean and it always creeps the bejabbers out of me.  Brown recluse spiders are on the list because I was bitten by one a few years ago, and it nearly cost me my left leg.  

6. Do you like building things? What's the last thing you 'built'?
I used to.  Don't have a lot of time for it anymore.  The last thing I built that required a workshop was a coffee table.  The last thing I built in my kitchen was a big pot of soup.

7. In keeping with this month's theme of gratitude...what are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?
My kids!  Love those little stinkers.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
To all the veterans in my life--thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I wonder if putting up the tree this early dampens the crazy excitement later in December? They say the flu shot this year is not proving to be as effective against the worst strain, but the other strains yes. Once you've had the flu you get the shot! Happy Wednesday!

    1. I would hope not--don't want to lose the joy of Christmas before the actual holiday!

  2. Visiting from the Hodgepodge - and great. Now I am going to have a freak out everytime I go into my kids bathroom with their shower curtain. UGH!!! =)

  3. Totally with you on the spider thing...although mine is not just a dangerous, venomous one....I do not even like the kind that drop down near Miss Muffet and are harmless - HA!
    Visiting and following from Hodgepodge! If you want to follow back I am at Annster's Domain

    1. Hello and welcome--I will definitely be following you back!

  4. Oh my goodness, you were bitten by a brown recluse! I think they're very rare in our area, but then again most creatures don't like to live in our climate. :-) Enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge this morning. Now I'm going to go check the shower curtain! lol

    1. They aren't as common around here as they were in the Kansas City area, where they were everywhere. I definitely don't miss them. :) Hope you don't find any house centipedes!

  5. Glad you are okay after that spider bite. I think I've only seen the common house spiders here but those other ones sound dangerous. I like your friend's perspective although I still won't decorate that early :)

    1. I agree with you about decorating, I'm worried they'd get tired of looking at it and start complaining too early. :)

  6. Brown recluse spiders! Yikes...they really are horrible critters. I'm glad you're ok now from that spider bite.

    1. Thank you--it was several years ago but I still have a scar.

  7. We've had a lot of spiders recently and the pest control man told me they were wolf spiders. But I have seen some that I know are the brown recluse and they are squashed and flushed. My mom was also bitten by one too. So glad you didn't lose your leg.
