Sunday, January 24, 2016

WOOF, what a weekend.

Well THAT was quite a weekend...

Friday afternoon, we got hit with the threatened snowstorm (I think they named it Jonas?) and we wound up with about eight inches of snow by the time it was over.  Sunshine's dance class was cancelled.  Scout's baseball camp was, too.

So, feeling grateful that I did my weekly trip to the store ahead of the storm, what was I to do but make chicken cordon bleu soup and enjoy being inside on Saturday?  I'm not a fan of snow and I didn't want to be out in it.  Really the only person who did was Sunshine--she spent the majority of the time throwing around handfuls of snow and screaming, "LET IT GO" at the top of her lungs.  Then she'd come inside, curl up under a blanket, and whimper that she was cold.

Today, the roads were clear and our spirits were high, so we went to the mall after church.  After lunch, we split up: Scout and I headed to the cinema to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens and he LOVED it.  Asked a lot of questions (mostly along the lines of, "Is that guy gonna be okay?"), decided he wants to be BB-8 for Halloween, understood a lot more of the plot than I expected him to for someone who's watched half of A New Hope.

Sunshine and my husband hung around the mall for a while.  Then Sunshine decided, she wanted to get her ears pierced.

Husband says she did really well: didn't scream, cry, fight, etc, and that's all good stuff to hear.  The place she went caters to kids, and they loosened the earrings for me (which is good, because that's tough to do without pulling them out accidentally), she got a stuffed kitty and a lollipop, they took a picture, gave her a certificate, it looks great.  She even got her nails painted and got her hair cupcake scented.

If there's a Sweet and Sassy in your area, apparently it's awesome for little girls.  Maybe she'll want to do her next birthday party there.

So the next two months are devoted to helping her with her earrings.  That's fine; I've got two holes in each ear myself, so this won't be my first rodeo.

Making a spherical Halloween costume, on the other hand, may well be out of my range.

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