Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's good to be back, at least somewhat?  You know the days when everything is flowing and you feel like you have all of your ducks in a row?  January is usually about balancing that out for me.

1.  Speaking of skating...when did you last 'skate on thin ice', 'skate over the details', 'encounter a cheapskate', or just plain skate?
I feel a little like I'm skating over the details of a few things here, mostly because I have a cold and the medicine makes me feel groggy, but also because there's a LOT of details for a LOT of things going through my head.

2. What would you say is the biggest problem of people your age?
I've been seeing a lot of my friends talking about their student loans these days.  So maybe that.

3. What's your favorite accessory? Is it something you wear every day, often, or only on special occasions?

My husband gave me a mother's ring for Christmas.  It's beautiful.

4. January 20th is National Cheese Lover's Day. Are you a lover of cheese? What's your favorite dish made with cheese? Last thing you ate that contained some kind of cheese? 

I don't think I'm friends with anyone who DOESN'T love cheese!  My favorite dish that includes cheese is probably a baked macaroni and cheese.  Homemade, because that's the easiest way to sneak samples of the cheese while you're making the sauce.  We had Impossibly Easy Cheeseburger Pie last night for dinner.  Husband said it tasted good...I couldn't really taste anything because I was feeling so stuffy.

5. What's something guaranteed to make you roll your eyes? 
Hearing, "But MAMA..." when I say it's time to get up/time to go/time to do homework/time for bed.
6. Your favorite book series
I am a big Harry Potter fan.  I'm also a big Harry Dresden fan.

7. Why did you choose your profession? 
In my previous job?  I worked in IT.  I loved it because the problems were something different every day, and because people were genuinely grateful when I had a solution for them.  

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
The kids finally go back to school today after a four-day weekend.  I love them but I am SO glad they'll be with their friends.


  1. Haha. I love the random thought. I think so many moms feel that way after a long break. The kids get antsy and are very ready to back into their routine. Sorry you're feeling so miserable. Hope you get over your cold soon!

  2. Your ring is beautiful! What a lovely thoughtful gift. I do hope you're feeling better soon. Take care.

  3. I love your random thought. My kids are grown with their own kids now and while, when they were school aged, I loved the end of a long weekend, it's not the same with the grands. I could keep them for weeks! Probably because I know at some point I can send them home!! Have a great week!

  4. I can relate to your random. When the boys were still at home, I felt that same way!
