Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

WHOO what a few weeks it's been.  Husband was traveling, then home again for just barely long enough, then we ALL hit the road for Christmas....and then there's Christmas.  I love the holidays but I am always so relieved when they're over.

My husband's birthday is a week and a half after Christmas, and it always made him a little sad because the Christmas tree always got taken down on his birthday.  My goal is to leave it up just a little longer, just for him.

To the Hodgepodge!

1. Share a favorite memory/moment from the week of Christmas.
Maybe my daughter, shrieking "It's just what I wanted!" every. time. she opened something new.  Or my son, whose new favorite thing is space, waking up to find a model of the Saturn V, and the Saturn V flight manual, from Santa.  Or my daughter, who picked up one of the books that Santa brought her, and read it through, without problems, by herself.  Or my son, who noticed his grandmother's tears, and curled up in her lap with the words, "You seem sad.  I don't want you to be."

2.  If someone wrote a book about your life based on the past year, what genre would it fall under? What would the title be?
Beats me.  Is BORING a genre?  Because nobody would want to read about the last year of my life.  Because it was totally non-fascinating.  As to the title, it's kind of funny.  The last time my husband was out of town, I found this list of 365 things to talk about as a married couple, so we answered one question a day.  One of the questions was, what would the title of your autobiography be?  I chose to call mine "The Horse I Rode In On (and Other Tall Tales)".

3. What made you feel patriotic this year?
Will it sound ridiculous if I say baseball games?  There's very few other events I attend in which we're invited to consider the sacrifices our military makes.  Every game, we start with the national anthem, and the seventh-inning stretch is devoted to honoring a service member and singing "God Bless America".  I have never left a baseball game without tears because of these two things.

4. What experience from this past year would you like to do all over again?
Well...I'm confident there's something.  But it's been a long year, and I'm lucky if I remember where I was two days ago.

5. What song lyric sums up or is a reflection of your 2015?
I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar.

6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate 2015?  (10=stellar) Why?
5.  Very meh.

7. What part of the upcoming year are you most excited about?
There's a rumor that my husband will be traveling less for work.  It'll be nice to have him not constantly leaving.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Happy new year, everyone!


  1. I loved your #1. I miss those Christmases that still had magic!

  2. I lived reading the description of your family Christmas. It sounds joyous and sweet. Have a wonderful new year.

  3. Your favorite Christmas moments sound wonderful! Treasure those moments, they pass too quickly.
    As for your boring year, treasure that, too, it's a blessing. I'll take boring any day over the eventful year we've had!
    Happy New Year!
    Kathy (from Reflections by Kathy)

  4. Oh I loved my nephew shrieking on christmas morning saying exactly that. It made me feel so festive!

  5. I loved your answer to the first question: ). And I feel the same way about ball games. Happy new year to you and your family!

  6. Great answer to #1. Happy new year.
