Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch The Charlie Brown Christmas special Monday night? Who's your favorite Peanuts character and why?

I did not.  I was traveling from Kansas City back to Pittsburgh for most of Monday, and missed it.

"Most psychiatrists agree that sitting in a pumpkin patch is excellent therapy for a troubled mind."~Linus  

Would you agree? 

Yes, but more as it applies to nature.  Pumpkin patch, mountaintop, in a boat on a lake, take your pick.  Somewhere away from the noise of the city.

2. Describe a sound from your childhood. What does this sound bring to mind? 

There was a set of railroad tracks that ran about a quarter mile away from the house I grew up in.  It saw a lot of traffic, and the nearest crossings were pretty close.  Every train that went by, we could hear the long-short-short-long signal of the train horn at least three times.  If we were outside, we could hear the rumble of full coal cars and the clatter of empty ones heading back the opposite direction.

3. You've won a trip to a winter wonderland...would that excite you? Which one of the following would you most want to experience (or which one would you dislike the least)-see the Aurora Borealis in Norway, stay in Sweden's Ice Hotel, go dogsledding in Lapland Finland, take a winter wildlife safari in Yellowstone or celebrate Winter Carnival in Quebec? 

Norway!  I have no desire to stay in an ice hotel, but I would love to see the Aurora Borealis.  (We were supposed to be able to see it here a few weeks ago, but surprise, it was cloudy.)

4. Who or what keeps you humble?

My kids.  If anyone can come up with a question I can't answer, it's always them.

5. What part of preparing for Christmas do you like the most? Explain.

Making toffee and distributing it.  I have a batch that I still need to break into pieces and take to some of my friends.  I made a ton of it last year before Sunshine's first hospital stay when a bunch of my friends came at me with a big basket of gifts for her (and for me--love those ladies).  We probably won't be decorating this year, because we won't be here, but we'll see what the kids want to do.  Right now, I have to leave the Christmas tree down until they measure my front window.

6. Gingerbread-yay or nay? Is making a gingerbread house part of your family holiday tradition?

I love gingerbread and my kids love making gingerbread houses.  This year I might see if their grandmother is cool with them making the houses at her place.

7. What's one thing you want to start, do, or complete before the calendar rolls into a new year? 

Declutter.  It's an ongoing wish.  Also need to complete the passport application process.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

As much fun as last week was, I'm glad we have our routine back.  I don't seem to do "unstructured time" very well.  


  1. When we lived in Ohio where my first daughter was born, there was a train that ran nearby. You notice it so much at first, but after a while it becomes part of the landscape. I like the sound of a train. I'm better with a little structure in my day too : )

  2. I'm all for sitting on a mountaintop or being on the lake for some quiet time...nothing better!

  3. I too wrote about the sound of the trains... we lived close to tracks. And, I also like getting back to a routine, and in general keeping a routine!
