Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Hodgedpodge

1. What's your biggest 'first world' problem?

I have too much junk in my house.  (Mamas, let me hear you say ROAR.)  Starting with the first Saturday in January, my weekend will not be complete without getting rid of one full bag of junk that we don't need.  (Part of it is my can I get rid of the Fisher-Price barn when my grandkids might want to play with it a million years from now?)

2.  Each year Time Magazine names a 'Person of the Year', someone who has 'for better or worse...done the most to influence the events of the year.' It was recently announced they've named Angela Merkel Person of the Year for 2015. You can read more about this year's selection here. Your thoughts? If you were in charge, who would you declare Person of the Year? 

I really don't feel educated enough to answer this.  Someone will, inevitably, come up with someone who earns it far more than I could ever say.  Angela Merkel has been through her fair share of trouble, but I'm not sure who I would declare Person Of The Year.  It's hard for me to pick a favorite anything.

3. Do you have a nativity set in your home? If so share it's history and how you display the pieces.
I do, and last year, we had the pieces in our window.  We don't have it up this year because we're travelling for Christmas, and it's hard for me to justify getting out the Christmas Tree and Advent wreath and Nativity scene if we won't be here for the big day.  The story behind how we got F-I-L wanted (like, desperately wanted) to get us our first Nativity set not long after we first got married.  We wound up in this terrible mess, population-wise, as a result, and I chose, not only the first thing I could find, but for the first time, the least-expensive as well.  (shoes are a different story.)  He wanted to get us another set that I thought looked stretched-out and odd, but we wound up with the set I liked, in spite of his contempt for it.  Most of why he hated it so much?  It wasn't the "best".  But I like this one, even if it isn't on display at the moment.

4.  Do you make an extra effort to give back in some way during the holiday season? How do you encourage those who need encouragement this time of year?
I try to.  I'm not sure if it works or not.  I'm fortunate.

5. Who is your favorite person to shop for? Why?
Without question, my kids.  It is way, way more fun to be an adult at Christmas than it ever was to be a kid.

6. What's the last delicious thing you ate?

WELL I had taco soup for dinner last night, but I'll guess that doesn't cover it.  So I made a batch of toffee for one of my friends...My husband picked up the wrong almonds but it works VERY well anyway.  (I had to make sure her family would like it, sooo...)

7. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is________________.
"Love one another, as I have loved you."  I'm pretty sure that's the quote.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Facebook is amazing for a lot of things.  Today it reminded me that, one year ago today, I had asked for prayers and good thoughts for my daughter, who we eventually found out, has an aneurysm and an occluded artery in her brain.  I  can't believe it was only a year ago, it seems like so much longer.  And yet, I know. I KNOW that we are blessed to be in a situation where the best possible doctors are a 20 minute drive away, not several hours; and I know I'm grateful to be able to have my daughter near me and not have to let her stay in the hospital for another night.

It's the time of year for miracles.  I hope you believe in them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your daughter's health issues. That sounds like a hard thing, but I'm glad you've got good care nearby. Safe travels this holiday season and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
