Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge


(It's been a long, stressful few weeks for my family--here's hoping things settle down again eventually!)

1. Tell us about a time you found yourself 'in the middle of nowhere'. Was this deliberate?
My daughter and I went to a week of church camp last year.  It isn't exactly "nowhere", but it's a quiet, more secluded little area than we were used to.  It was nice.

2. What's something you're 'in the middle of' today or this week? 
Quite a few things, actually...laundry, vacuuming, a pot of coffee, my plans for world domination....

3. At what age do you think 'middle age' begins? What does it mean to be 'middle aged'?
I always thought of it as somewhere around 40.  I've thought of it that way since I was very little.  I still do.  I think it means mostly that things ache a little more--I'd say it means when things slow down, but I've known some very vibrant 60-somethings.  Besides that, when I'm 40, my children will be teens and that definitely does NOT mean slowing down is a luxury I'll have.

4. Ravioli, stuffed peppers, samosas, deviled eggs, steamed dumplings, pierogis, or a jelly donut...your favorite food (from this list!) with something yummy in the middle. Your favorite not on the list? 
Of the things on this list, steamed dumplings.  Not on the list...does pie count as a stuffed food?  If not, then stuffed chicken cordon bleu.

5. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying ''In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.'Would you agree? Have you found this to be true in your own life? Feel free to elaborate.
Oh yes.  Difficult situations are excellent education.  

6. What's a song you remember loving from your middle school years? Do you love it still?
Neil Young, Heart of Gold.  And yes, I do still love it.  (I was not your average early-nineties middle schooler.)  If it's supposed to be a song from the early nineties, I'm afraid I don't have an answer.

7. May 18th is National Visit Your Relatives Day. Will you celebrate? Which relative would you visit if time, distance, and expense were not considered.
I wish I could.  I did try to call my father, but he didn't answer his phone.  If time, distance, and expense were not considered, I'd go visit my sister again.  She's heaps of fun (and as an added bonus, I'd get to see my father, my nieces, my brother-in-law, my uncle, my cousins....)

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I somehow managed to get roped into chaperoning a field trip tomorrow for the kindergarteners, Sunshine included.  So I'm hoping for the best (and to get her and her two besties in my group, because I know them and I love them).


  1. You're not even 40 yet?? Oh, you baby, you! ;)

    I'm glad your field trip wasn't today with all the rain we've had. I sure hope tomorrow is a nicer day for the kiddos.

    1. aw, you're so sweet! I'm definitely approaching 40 (I'm 35 now) but I'm not afraid of it.

      Tomorrow's supposed to be a good day for this field trip. I've never been to the Children's Museum here, so I'm kind of excited. :)

  2. You're not even 40 yet?? Oh, you baby, you! ;)

    I'm glad your field trip wasn't today with all the rain we've had. I sure hope tomorrow is a nicer day for the kiddos.

  3. Your answer to #2 made me laugh. You remind me of my youngest daughter and youngest son when they were little. World domination was a theme here, too. :)

    Have a blessed day!
