Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Tell us about one fun thing on your June calendar. 
June is full of a lot of fun things for us.  We're headed to Mexico, for starters.  There's also community celebrations and a dance recital.

2. How careful are you in the sun? Do you tan or burn? Do you make it a point to see the dermatologist every year?
I tend to err a LOT on the side of caution.  I burn easily, and it almost never fades to a tan.  Not that any precautions will help me on vacation...

I do not see a dermatologist every year.  I probably should.

3. Describe a time when you wanted to 'throw in the towel'? 

4. What's a song you love that has a day of the week in the title or lyrics?
Ruby Tuesday by the Rolling Stones.

5. Are you a fan of berries? Which one's your favorite? What's the most recent berry dish you've eaten? Which blueberry breakfast food appeals to you most-blueberry pancakes, blueberry yogurt, or a blueberry muffin?
I LOVE berries, especially strawberries.  I made a batch of fruit salad consisting largely of strawberries the other day and I've been having that for breakfast lately.  

Blueberries not so much.  But if I had to pick one of the ones listed, I'd probably choose blueberry pancakes.

6. What's something you want to do before your next birthday?
Get through the summer without losing my temper.  It's gonna be a pretty big favor to ask. 

7. June 1st is National Say Something Nice Day, so let's all say something nice here.
I got a sweet message from a friend the other day who wanted to check in on Sunshine and her issues.  She's one of those people who lifts her spirits when she's feeling down (and she is, poor dear) by trying to lift the spirits of others.  She's beautiful and wonderful and I hope someday to be just like her.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
It's gonna be a hot day here.  Good day to not cook inside.  It's a pity the kids won't eat most of what I could make on the grill...

(update: dinner was awful.  As in, "Let's order pizza instead" awful.)


  1. Have you tried hot glue for the patches? My girls are grown but I still have a few that never made it onto the vest : ) Stay cool!

    1. I haven't--but thank you for the tip! I'll give that a shot tomorrow! I have one that I was clever enough to try to iron on with the sticky side up, so that one DEFINITELY needs some help. :)
