Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. If you could sit beside and/or jump in any lake in the whole wide world today, which lake would you choose and why? 

Does it have to be a lake?  Because I'm on vacation this week/right now, and this is just outside...

We're in Cancún, and I will gladly take the ocean.

2. What's your favorite 'fruity' drink? 
Lemonade, especially with strawberries.  So perfect.

3. I read a list here of thirteen things to do right now to simplify your life. They were-

clean as you go, re-evaluate your relationships (cut toxic ties), unsubscribe (too many blogs and websites), de-clutter, write down your daily goals, reply to emails right away, forget multitasking, create a morning routine, re-evaluate your commitments (which hobbies and responsibilities are most important to you), say no, clean up your computer, and plan your day ahead

Which of the tasks listed do you currently find most helpful in keeping life simple? Which item on the list should you adopt in order to simplify your life this month?

Cleaning as I go.  If I can do some of the dishes while dinner cooks, everything is so much easier.  I wish decluttering was easier.
4. What did you do the summer after you graduated from high school? 

Almost immediately moved away for college.  My university has a non-traditional schedule, and classes started just after the Fourth of July.

5. Are you a fan of podcasts? If so what's a favorite? 
Not in particular.  I'm a much bigger fan of music.

6. Do you think today's fathers have it harder, easier, or just different than fathers in the past?
I think it's just different.  Every generation has their struggles, and I wouldn't want to say ours are necessarily one way or the other.

7. Tell us one way you're like your father? Or not at all like your father if that's easier?
We're both sarcastic.  Not that THAT should be a surprise.... :)
8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Have I ever shared a picture of my whole family with y'all?  I'm not sure I have...


  1. Cute pictures of your children (whole family too!). My mom taught me to clean up the kitchen as far as meal prep before we ate dinner. I'm so thankful she did. Have a good rest of your vacation.

  2. Cancun! I'm envious. This is my first Hodgepodge entry, I've enjoyed reading the responses of the others who have joined. This is fun!
    Lori in Blue Ridge
