Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  Are there any men or women in blue on your family tree?
No, not that I'm aware of.  Lots of friends, though.

2. Are you someone who suffers from the Sunday night blues? What helps you get over it?
I can't say that I am.  By the time the weekend is over with, I'm ready for the week to start again.

3. I read the color blue is an appetite suppressant since there are very few naturally blue foods out there. How do you feel about blue cheese? Love it or blech? If you're a fan, what's something you like that's made with blue cheese?
No, no, no, no, no.  I cannot tolerate it.  Every time I've tried to get over my distaste for it has ended in regrets.

4. We can't head in to the Labor Day weekend without a related question, can we? Complete this thought: I work best when____________________. 

I have a list.  I love lists.  I make lists for everything.

5. 'Everything yields to diligence.' Antiphanes Your thoughts? (on this particular quote or on diligence in general)
Well maybe not EVERYTHING, but a lot of things...
6. The National Park Service turned 100 years old on August 25th. Have you been to many of America's National Parks? If so share with us a favorite or two. Which National Park would you most like to visit before the next birthday rolls around? 
Quite a few, actually.  I have seen the Flight 93 Memorial, Mount Rushmore, Rocky Mountain National Park, and the National Mall.  I love the Rockies and I would love to go see...something? before next August.

7.  Bid farewell to August in seven words or less.

Farewell overwhelming humidity!  Bring on autumn!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Sunshine had her most recent round of tests at the hospital today.  She came through with no complications.  Thank goodness that's all over with...


  1. I'm cracking up about your answer to Blue cheese. My kids are all right there with you. I love lists, too. Have a good Labor Day weekend.

  2. I love lists too, especially crossing things off them. This morning hubby couldn't find the adapter plug for his shaver (we've just got back from holiday) so I put it on my list for today to find it. Shortly afterwards hubby found it and I was able to cross it off the list without even moving from my bed!
