Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Last thing you did on the spur of the moment?
Oh goodness...probably going to see LST-325 this weekend.  She was only in town for a week, and she sails this morning for another destination.  LST-325 is a WW2-era landing ship, and she was part of the invasion at Normandy.

2. How well informed do you feel about the current Syrian refugee crisis?
Not well at all, I'm afraid.  I have a hard time keeping track of the events because it all starts to sound the same, and all awful.  I think this is one of those times where we can't just sit back and say it isn't our problem, because right now the refugees need someone on their side.

3. What have you changed your mind about?
Well, I don't like getting political, so I'll avoid politics here if I can.  But I'm gonna talk for a moment about Michael Vick.  There's a lot of people here who are furious that he's on the local football team, and admittedly I was one of them.  Ultimately I decided, that even if he's not that nice of a guy, he's not the only criminal in the NFL, and being angry about him but not the others makes me a hypocrite.

4. A medium sized non-poisonous snake found it's way into the pool trap this weekend. If you'd been sitting poolside would you have fished it out? Gone running? Called for help? Pretended not to know? Continued swimming?

Call for help.  I'm not too worried about snakes (there's a couple that live in my yard, and they can stay as long as they keep the mice under control), but I don't know enough about how to safely rescue them from a pool trap.

5. September 10th is National TV Dinner Day...what's your idea of a great TV dinner? (Or at least a pretty good one!)

Pizza?  Cheese and crackers and fruit?  Something easy and non-messy?

6. Samuel Johnson is quoted as saying, "Courage is reckoned the greatest of all virtues; because, unless a man has that virtue, he has no security for preserving any other." Would you agree? Where have you seen that played out recently? What's the second greatest virtue?

I think I agree--I have a hard time with statements like this, because someone's likely to think of something I haven't thought of.  But Mr. Johnson makes an excellent point that without courage, the rest of them are a little hard to manage.

I'll call the second one honesty.  If nobody can trust you, what good can you do?

7. What are three words you have trouble remembering how to spell?

Joyce (the wonderful lady who coordinates the Hodgepodge) pointed out Cincinnati.  I have to agree with that--it always takes me at least three tries.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm recovering from a head cold--this one hit fast and left fast.  Yesterday it had me worried--I was getting more and more frustrated while trying to do something about the dishes, because I kept running out of room to put them, and it was only then that I realized I'd been trying to put the dirty dishes in the refrigerator instead of the dishwasher.  For just a moment, I was worried I'd accidentally taken too much cold medicine...


  1. Michael Vick was an Eagle for a while, and a controversial figure. I guess it comes down to do people deserve another chance, an opportunity to change their ways after they've done something wrong and very publicly too. I'm a believer in second chances.

    1. I believe in second chances too--goodness knows I've been given enough of them myself!

  2. Yeah I agree about the Vick thing. That is an awful thing he did but he has to live his life and I have to live mine. I don't have time to worry about him, you know?

    1. Agreed. There's bigger things in the world--and our own cities--to worry about.

  3. I agree with what you wrote about Michael Vick. Yeah...Cincinnati throws me from time-to-time, too. I'm bracing myself for my first head cold...seems to happen this time every year.

    1. Oh, I hope you can avoid a head cold this year! If not, I wish for you lots of tea.

  4. We totally agree on honesty! Hope you cold goes away quickly and/or you have some good chicken soup in the meantime!

    1. It's on its way out, thankfully--just in time for cooler weather :)

  5. We totally agree on honesty! Hope you cold goes away quickly and/or you have some good chicken soup in the meantime!

  6. Enjoyed your blog answers today. You were honest about what you know and what you don't know. Too many spout off about what they think they know and then look like fools. Hope that cold is all better by now!!

  7. Yeah ... the reaction about Vick is interesting, especially since he's the backup to a quarterback who has probably sexually assaulted women. I'm not sure why people are more negative about Vick than they are about Roethlisberger. (Or, I fear, I might know why, but I really hope I'm wrong.)

    And I say this as a Steelers fan (by marriage, of course).

    1. Yeah, I worry about that part of it too. Admittedly, the Steelers haven't grown on me the way the Pirates have....

  8. I prefer to have cats to keep mice out rather than snakes! lol Hope your cold is better.
