Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's on your September calendar? Anything fun?  Well, my daughter's dance season starts, my son's scout season starts, we have tickets to a baseball game, my husband is traveling to Ireland for work, my son's school is hosting an open house, and my Bible study starts.  More or less, all those things in that order.  I'm especially looking forward to the Bible study and the baseball game.  On the plus side, the weekly breakfasts with my sweet friend seem to be continuing.

2. You might be described as a natural born _____________________?

People tell me I'm a natural comedienne.  If I'm funny, it's not what I say, it's how I say it.

3. September is National Courtesy Month...what one act of courtesy would you most like to see more of in your home, town, or the world at large? 

It would be nice if people would just be nicer to each other in general, but especially if we could do it while DRIVING, or on all points surrounding matters of faith or politics.

4. Eager beaver, chicken out, clam up, or let the cat out of the bag...of the phrases listed, which one have you related to most recently? 

Probably eager beaver.  I was so excited for the kids to go back to school so I could get things done here that I can't do while they're constantly bickering.  I was also eager for the constant bickering to stop.

5. What's your movie theatre snack protocol? Do you chow down on snacks during the previews or wait until the movie begins? Do you buy snacks or refuse to pay those kind of prices? What's the last movie you saw in a theatre? How many thumbs up would you give it?

If there's to be snacks with us at a theatre, it stops with popcorn.  The prices on everything are so extreme that I've never been sure it was worth it.  The last movie I saw in a theatre was Catching Fire, and I thought it was pretty good.

6. Henry Ford is quoted as saying, "Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind." Agree or disagree? Why?

Agree, but only to a point.  Constant exertion doesn't do your mind any good.  Nor does constant rest.

7. What's the last job you completed or task you performed where you had to 'work like a dog' until it was finished?

Cleaning up this mess!  
8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I think I found our backyard visitor kitty yesterday.  He wasn't wearing his harness anymore, but he looked like the same cat.  He was napping on someone's front porch.  I'm so glad it seems he found his way home...I only wish I'd known he lived there much sooner.


  1. Is there something in the air? My grands have been bickering constantly lately, too. Ugh. And what baseball game are you going to see - who's playing? I'm a big baseball fan but didn't get to a single game this season.

    1. I blame summer--if your grands are anything like my kids, they're just too different from each other to be around each other this much.

      We're headed to a Brewers@Pirates game. We've been lucky to get to go to a number of games this year, but hopefully the weather is better for the next one!

  2. The title of your blog is so interesting! My name is Barbara and I need sunshine to be cheerful. Enjoyed reading your post today from Hodgepodge. Enjoy your September. You have good things planned.

    1. You and I have that in common--I think sunshine is the best part of an early morning.

      Thanks for stopping by!
