Monday, August 31, 2015

Life with both the young'uns in school

I had so much planned for today...

After the kids got on the bus, though, I ran two miles.  Because I am out of shape, it drained me of energy for the rest of the morning.  It was nice, though, to get moving again...I was about two thirds of the way around the block when a dog literally opened the door to her house to come after me.  She was friendly, and because I didn't want her to wander off, I waited around for the owner to come outside.  Dog's owner is friendly too.

Afterward, I got to work on the shelf in the family room.  It used to hold a bunch of baskets full of toys--but over time, those toys got broken, or discarded, or donated, or returned to the kids' rooms.  So instead of six baskets full of toys, we ultimately had one basket full of markers, paper, and miscellaneous things.  Rather than cling to the idea that they need a ton of toys, I threw out a bunch of things and got rid of the baskets on the first shelf.  The baskets on the second shelf still hold some art supplies, but also apples, granola bars, fruit strips, fruit cups, cracker packages, and small servings of things I've packaged, like M&Ms, peanuts, sunflower seeds, or Cheez-Its.  On the top I'm gonna put some cereal dispensers and bowls so they can serve themselves when they have the munchies (within reason) or when it's 6:00 on Saturday morning.

This could backfire dramatically.  But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

By the time it was time for my guitar lesson, I was ready for the silence to be broken.

Were it not for the suffocating humidity (it's hot, but the humidity is way, way worse) and the fluffy stalks of doom invading my yard, I would have been pulling weeds for much of the morning.

These days will be productive.  I'll miss my kids, but they're so brave and wonderful that I am more than confident they will be fine.

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