Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When was the last time you relocated? Did you move yourself or leave it to the professionals? Are you happy staying put or is there a move in your future? Best thing about moving to a new city or town? Least favorite and/or hardest thing about moving house?

Four years ago, almost exactly, we moved from Kansas to Pennsylvania.  My husband had gotten a job offer he couldn't refuse, and they paid professionals to move us.  I do love our new city, and it's possible we'll move to a different home at some point, but I do NOT want to do another long move.

I would say the best thing about moving to a new city or town is it's a chance to see something new, learn something new, reorganize as you unpack, that sort of thing.  The hardest thing about moving is having to start over again making friends...I like to joke that I'm not good with names, so for the first year or so at a new church or job, I just call everyone Molly.

2. When were you last 'moved to tears'? Explain.

Is anyone gonna laugh if I say singing "God Bless America" during the seventh-inning stretch of the last baseball game we went to?  

3. Do you have rules about eating in the car...any forbidden foods? What's the last thing you consumed in your car? Your go-to car snack when traveling long distance?

No, I don't...I probably should, though.  When we go on a long car trip I will do just about anything to make my kids happy, even if the van is a smelly, crumb-filled mess when we get there.  The last thing consumed in my van was probably water, though the last food was apparently some Twizzlers.  We all love them.

For long car trips, I almost always pick up a bunch of cheese and crackers.  Nothing makes kids happy in the middle of a fourteen hour drive like cheese and crackers (and juice boxes).

4. Share a favorite song relating to cars and/or driving.

For some reason, the only one coming to mind is "Running Down A Dream" by Tom Petty.

5. What's your most frequently visited drive-thru...Starbucks? the bank? the pharmacy? some other window?

hm, we don't hit drive-thrus often.  Seems like it might be Steak 'n' Shake.

6. "He who hesitates is lost"...would you agree? When it comes to making decisions do you generally act quickly or do you more often than not fall into the 'lost' category?

Not always.  Rushing into a decision is not always the best thing to do.  I tend to take my time with making long as I have time to take.

7. When was the last time you got lost? Was it stressful or an unexpected happy adventure?

Getting lost while driving is an easy thing to do in this city.  A couple weeks ago, I was heading to the grocery store and I wound up getting routed around something that was going on up ahead, and I wound up on these winding little side streets through a nearby neighborhood.  I thought I knew where I was going, I thought I knew how to get back, but I didn't.  If my kids had been with me, it would have been stressful...mostly it just wound up being a chance to learn a little bit more about the roads in our area.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Scout has an interesting year coming up.  We got a letter on Saturday from the school informing us that he was being placed in accelerated math for the next school year.  He's also in the orchestra.  He's also in the band.  I'm very proud of him, but I hope it isn't too much on his plate.


  1. Wow! That's awesome! Sounds like Scout's gonna have a very busy year!

  2. Wow! That's awesome! Sounds like Scout's gonna have a very busy year!

  3. Patriotic songs always get to me too, even in a baseball stadium : ) Sounds like you'll have a busy year, but these are the days...enjoy!

    1. I think a baseball stadium makes it all the more moving, because all of a sudden instead of a small group, there's thirty thousand of us.

  4. You moved from Kansas to Pennsylvania ... we did something a little bit similar many years ago when we moved from Colorado to Washington DC. Huge culture shock. One of the many benefits was my kids were elementary school age and they enjoyed some really great field trips to historical places. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge today.

    1. Oof, that must have been exhausting! I agree, though, there's a lot of fascinating stuff for school kids to see in this part of the country!

  5. Way to go Scout! Orchestra and band plus accelerated math; that speaks of a great diverse talent and intellect. By the way, I really like your watercolor blog background.

    1. Thank you very much!

      The background was one of the choices Blogger had available, and it reminded me of a sunset.

  6. That really was a big move. Your Scout - a young man of many talents. That's great! Your rules in the car sound like our daughter-in-law and her van is almost always a mess! But it's okay! I would never laugh at someone moved to tears at God Bless America. Blessings to you. I enjoyed meeting you today. And I like the Wild Irish Rose.

    1. Thank you for all your kind words! I don't mind a messy van--I think it means we enjoy going places together :)

      Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I'm not going to laugh at your crying during "God Bless America"! I get teary during most patriotic songs myself. I agree with not rushing through decisions too. If there's time to think it through, then think it through!

    1. Thank you--it's nice to have some solidarity here when the rest of my family is looking at me like "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Or is it allergies?"

  8. Well done to your son. I don't tend to address people by name - comes from having worked in a school I thing where there were too many names to remember so if you didn't use them you wouldn't be wrong! lol
