Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's hard to believe, but next week's Hodgepodge will find us in the month of September. What's one thing you want, need, or hope to do still before summer officially ends?

Practice guitar a little more.  I have spent most of the summer running around, dealing with screaming, panicking, trying to find stuff, etc.  My guitar is feeling a little neglected.

2. When were you last at 'your wit's end'?

Genuinely not sure.  My wits go pretty far, and I learned many years ago that sometimes taking things "one day at a time" is too much, and your best bet is to take things five minutes at a time.

3. Describe a time you were figuratively thrown into 'the deep end'?

Dealing with Sunshine's health issues has felt a lot like that.  I have no idea what I'm doing with appointments or information half the time.  Thankfully, she has some amazing doctors and they are really forthcoming with honest and helpful answers.

4. Does the end always, ever, or never justify the means? Explain., I want to say sometimes, but I've never heard anyone say this when they weren't planning--or doing--something really awful.  To that end, no, there's a better way to the end than terrible behavior.

5. What makes your hair stand on end?

The ear-splitting shriek of a five-year-old who can't find her favorite stuffed pony.  Good GRIEF but she can scream. (cringe)

6. I read an article on the website Eat This! Health, that listed 11 foods we can eat to help end bad moods. Basically it's a feed your brain so you're less anxious, grouchy and lethargic. The foods are-mussels, swiss chard, blue potatoes, grass fed beef, dark chocolate, greek yogurt, asparagus, honey, cherry tomatoes, eggs, and coconut. Which of those do you think would most help end your own bad mood? Which do you fear, if forced to eat, would put you into a bad mood?

Probably mussels.  I love most of the things on this list, and the ones that I don't love, I can handle in certain preparations (you know how asparagus is really good?  Brushed with olive oil, sprinkled with sea salt, and grilled).  I can't say I care at all for mussels.

Now please excuse me while I go prepare a bowl of greek yogurt drizzled with honey.

7. What project around your home, office, or life in general feels like there is 'no endin sight'?

Decluttering.  I feel like every time we get near a good point, someone's birthday rolls around and someone ELSE overdoes it.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

School started today.  Scout is in fourth grade.  Sunshine will be in Kindergarten, but she doesn't start until tomorrow.  I ask them, every year on the first day, what they want to be when they grow up.  Scout says he doesn't know, and I like telling him he doesn't have to decide anytime soon.  Sunshine says she wants to be a doctor.

I'm so proud of them both.


  1. Handling things 5 minutes at a time -- that's really good advice!

  2. Your little ones are so cute! Enjoy each and every moment...they grow up so FAST!

    1. Thank you! I'm proud of the people they're becoming!

  3. Happy first day of school to your little ones! Such a sweet season you are in : )

    1. Thank you! My son had a first great daughter is so, so excited for tomorrow!

  4. Your answer to number 5 just made ME cringe -- all the way to Dallas! Ha! Hope you have a great week!
