Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Pokemon Go...your thoughts? Are you playing? Do you even know what it is?
NO.  I do know what it is, but I am not interested in fighting people I don't know for cartoon animals to have more fights.  If I want to interact with strangers, I'll go to the coffee shop and talk to people in person instead of trying to steal their turtles or whatever.  (And I do that on a regular basis, when it isn't summer.)

2. What was something you collected as a child? Do you still have that collection? If you're a parent what's something your own children collected? Have you ever camped out, stood in a crazy long queue, or paid a ridiculous sum for a 'collectible'?

This one's tough.  I collected little miniature animal figurines for a while, but that collection is long gone.  My daughter seems to collect stuffed animals and My Little Pony figurines.  My son collected Legos for a time, but that seems to be fading.  I have never done anything crazy for a "collectible".  My scrapbooking hobby is expensive enough without adding a collection of anything to my world.

3. "Collect moments, not things"...tell us about a moment you've added to your collection this summer.

Visiting my sister and her family.  The conversation in one particular moment was when my niece crawled int my husband's lap and said, "I love you, Uncle L!" which was almost immediately followed by "Can I have some Cheez-its?"  Our nieces are so adorable.  (Uncle L caved almost immediately.)

4.  What's something collecting dust in your home right now? Any plans to do something about it?

Everything?  Oh that isn't what you meant.  But seriously, everything.  We are currently in the middle of throwing out a great many things.  I like to think I'm not terribly materialistic, and I'm tired of the stuff that seems to accumulate.

5. A favorite song relating to time?

Turn Turn Turn by the Byrds.  I tried to link a video but it wouldn't let me.  :(

6. What's been your most frightening or your most interesting encounter with wildlife?

Hm...probably the night (it was about 3 a.m.) when my son was a young child.  He'd left his pacifier downstairs, and had started crying for it, so I went to get it, and on my way back upstairs, something swooped past my head.  We were no strangers to birds getting into our house, so I assumed it was a bird and woke my husband up to get help in dealing with it.  Turns out, it was actually a bat.

7.  On July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong set his foot down on the moon. If you could travel to the moon would you go? Why or why not?

NOOOO.  No no no no.  My fear of flying notwithstanding, I have no interest in the current dangers of space travel.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It isn't that I'm trying to rush through summer or watching my children grow, but I'm looking forward to the quiet moments that will happen once school starts...


  1. That moment with your husband and niece is precious!

    I am trying to thin out all the stuff around here, too. My daughter moved out a couple of weeks ago and I'm in the process of turning her old room into my library/craft room and the old library (actually, catch-all room) into a respectable guest room. Lots and lots of stuff has been passed on to someone else, donated, and a good bit is going to the curb tomorrow night.

    1. I love my nieces, they're pretty much amazing. Moments like this keep happening with them.

      Good luck with your new guest room! They're nice to have!
