Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1.July 15th is National Give Something Away Day. What can you give away? Will you?

Oh, probably. Clothes the kids have outgrown, books, food, time...our church has a pantry for donations so I'll probably pick up some of this month's requests, and drop them off.

 2. Do you have a mantra? Please share with the class if you feel comfortable doing so.

My sorority's motto is, "Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring." I like that one. Think I'll use it.

3. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? How many times a week do you shop? Do you make a list or pray for inspiration in the produce aisle?

I do, and I try to keep it to once a week. I do make a list, but I don't stick to it terribly strictly. My kids like to refer to Saturday as "donut day" because I usually leave before they wake up, and almost always come back with breakfast.

4. Is there a TV show you're embarrassed to say you watch? You're going to tell us what it is, right?
Embarrassed? Not so much. I watch a pretty wide variety of shows, fromDownton Abbey to The Walking Dead, but none of them are particularly embarrassing.

5. A recent article listed fifteen words we should eliminate from our (written) vocabulary in order to sound smarter-

that, went, honestly, absolutely, very, really, amazing, always, never, literally, just, maybe, stuff, things, and irregardless

Of the fifteen, which word is your most overused?

Stuff. I feel like I say it all the time and stuff.

6. So apparently dying your hair gray (in your youth!) is a thing right now. It's called 'The Granny Hair' trend. Your thoughts?


7. A while back Buzz Feed asked members to share the most beautiful sentence they've read in a piece of literature. A hard thing to narrow down, at least for me, but let's try. What's one of the most beautiful sentences you've ever read in a piece of literature?

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt that I love." Hamlet, Act II, Scene II. William Shakespeare.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.

 It's been a heck of a busy summer. My calendar holds four big-deal, all-day things for the next week, and six for the next week and a half. I suppose it beats being bored, but good grief...


  1. Hi, visiting from the Hodgepodge. It sounds like you're going to be very busy. I've got one big thing coming and feel like that makes me busy. haha Hope you have lots of fun with your activities.

    1. Hi, Cathy, thanks for stopping by! I hope your big thing is a great one!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We've had an unusual summer since we sold our house, are temporarily at my mom's, then moving into a rental in August while we build. It hasn't felt like summer, but it's just one of those seasons in life we need to make the best of.

    1. Goodness, moving is so stressful! I wish for you lots of tea and good weather. Hopefully there will be time to relax when it's done.

  4. I love your mantra! Sometimes it feels like we are enduring and not achieving too much. I guess we don't really know where we are going until we get there and think, wow, did I really go through all that?!

    1. Thanks! Credit actually goes to St. Catherine of Siena. I agree with you about not knowing where we're going until we get there--but it feels like such a wonderful accomplishment when we do!
