Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's something that has recently 'tried your patience'?

Traffic.  The roads in our community aren't well laid out for alternate routes to most places, so when there's construction, things get chaotic.

2. Do you think patience comes to us naturally or is it something you have to learn as you grow? On a scale of 1-10 generally how patient are you? (1=I blow up at the drop of a hat and 10=I've got all the time in the world).

I think it's both.  Some people are just calmer, but I think people can learn to not sweat the small stuff.  On a scale of 1-10, in general I'm probably around a 6.  As patient as I try to be, once things start piling up it just doesn't work anymore.

3. Share about a time when you felt like you could fly. Or a time you wished you could fly. Or a time you felt like you were flying.

Every time we're on a road trip I wish I could fly there (mostly like a bird, since I'm not a fan of planes either).  Seems like it'd be easier than dealing with traffic (see #1).

4. Your favorite song with the word fly in the title or lyrics, or your favorite song that relates to flying in some way?

At the moment, it's probably "Fly Away" by Lenny Kravitz.

5. What's in your fall picnic basket and where are we picnicking in your neck of the woods this time of year?

Well if I had a fall picnic basket, it'd contain cider, sausages, stuff for peanut butter sandwiches, or anything else that could be heated up over a campfire.  Because there's gonna be a campfire, right...?

We'd probably have our picnic somewhere near Jumonville.  It's a beautiful area this time of year.

6.  Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, landscaping...which skill would you most like to possess and how would you put that skill to use today?

Landscaping.  There's this big rock garden in my front yard that was probably really nice once upon a time, except now it's crumbling and I'm a little fed up with the fact that it blocks so much of my driveway.  That thing has got to go, and the retaining wall needs to be moved back about eighteen inches.  All I need is the knowledge to get rid of it and replace it with...something.

7. What's something you think is too expensive to justify buying lately?

A new van.  Or some of the stuff at the grocery store.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Grateful for the cooler weather.  The older I get, the more I realize summer is simply not my thing.