Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge (Thursday Edition)

1. It's October so let's get this out there first thing...have you jumped on the all-things-pumpkin bandwagon? How so?

Not yet...though I wouldn't mind a slice of pumpkin bread, if a good gluten-free version exists.

2.  "We have more power than will; and it is often by way of excuse to ourselves that we fancy things are impossible." Francois Duc De la Rochefoucauld  

What's something you once thought impossible, but in hindsight see as more a matter of lack of will?

Not sure, honestly.  I like to think goals are a matter of continuing to move forward, most of the time.

3. The rose is America's National Flower, but every state also has its own (click hereto see the list). Are you happy with yours? If you were in charge what would you declare your state's flower? If you're outside the U.S. what bloom would you like to see labeled as your country's national flower?

Our state flower is the mountain laurel, and sure, it's a pretty flower (and there do seem to be a lot of them in the woodland areas).  My home state's flower is the sunflower, and that one is also definitely fitting.

4. What have you lost interest in recently?

Hard to say.  I guess a couple of the shows I used to watch.  They were fun at first, but so many seasons later and really.  It's time to move on.

5. In your opinion, who's the best living musician?

I don't like having to choose favorites.  There's so many wonderful ones.  But since I've been listening to a lot of his music lately, and since I can, I'll say Neil Young.

6. S'mores-love 'em or no? Ever make them indoors? Last time you sat around an outdoor fire? Are making s'mores and sitting round a fire pit on your autumn bucket list? Do you have an autumn bucket list?

I love s'mores!  And I love a fire pit!  I would greatly enjoy a chance to go camping, but I think my only chance to do that this fall is going to be with all the boy scouts and all their families, and...I'm not going to lie, I'd rather go for something quieter.

7. Your favorite small town? Why?

I liked the town I grew up in.  A lot of people grumbled about it for various reasons, but I've come to realize that proximity to a grocery store and hero-worshipping of high school athletes is an everywhere thing.  I liked our small town, the people there were friendly and everyone helped one another and everyone loved one another.  Mostly.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It's true, I'm late this week.  But Sunshine turned six yesterday.  I've always felt a little sorry for her, because every time her birthday rolls around, I can't help but think, "And that means it's also been [this many years] since everything else happened..."

But for now, we celebrate the good things.  And that means: