Thursday, May 24, 2012

removing Jello stains

I can't speak for other people.  But some days, my daughter's clothing is a good introduction to her...

"HI!  Today I had a cold but I also ate a hot dog and some jello and some chocolate milk and played in the grass and scraped my elbow and accidentally got into the brown sugar and crawled under my bed and I like to draw!"

Today, it was the jello one that had me really freaked out.

She was wearing one of her favorite shirts today--my husband got it for her during his last business trip to California.  It has his company's logo on it, along with Elmo.

Usually, if she's going to be eating something messy, I'll take her shirt off of her before she starts eating, because she is NOT a neat eater.  Especially with Jello.  ESPECIALLY with raspberry Jello.

And I did.  And she still managed to get stains everywhere.

So I tried everyone's favorite quick stain remover, in a modified version.  I made a thin paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and dabbed it on her shirt.  A few minutes later, I rinsed it off...and now I think I'm gonna have to soak her whole shirt in a solution like this, because WHOA it removed stains I could not even see.

Wonder if this will work on the carpet where she dropped a big blob of it.

Remind me, why do I feed her Jello at all? Oh, right, because they love it and because it's summer....

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