Sunday, May 20, 2012

What's in my garden

I am not much of a grower of things.

As in, I'm really bad with plants.  Most of them I just can't figure out.  So here, in our little apartment, all I have in pots on the patio are lavender, rosemary, basil, peppers and tomatoes.  I so far have one tiny tomato on my plant.  I'm hopeful it won't be the only one.

What I'm really excited about is the rosemary.  It's going nuts!  I've never had a rosemary plant behave this well.  Maybe it's the soil.

I have a good healthy bunch of it that I've snipped off the bush, and once it's dried, I'm going to put it in what's left of my bottle of olive oil.  A note:  any herb-oil infusions you make, the herbs MUST be dried.  Otherwise you're tainting your oil with water--which can and will set off some bacteria.  It's bad news.  So.  Dry your herbs.

I DO have a dehydrator, and I'll post some stuff about that later this summer when the farmer's market starts back up.  For the rosemary I have now though, the dehydrator would have been a bit of overkill, so they're air drying.

So in a week or so, I'll have rosemary infused olive oil for marinades and sautees's gonna be fun.  :)

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