Monday, November 26, 2012

30 days of Gratitude--Day 26

Today, I am grateful for...days like today.

I had both the kids home with me today, because school was out for the holiday weekend.  And usually, that means a day full of constant screaming and fighting and crying and throwing things and chaos.

Today was different.  They were quiet and cuddly and sweet to me and to each other.  I had time to unpack boxes and make lotion bars and look for things and play a few rounds of Plants vs. Zombies because they were just being nice.  I didn't have to raise my voice once, which is good, because I have been trying hard to nurse my sore throat back to normal today.  Normally for me that means lots of water, lots of honey, and lots of lemon slices.  Today it also meant lots of hot tea--particularly cinnamon tea, because it reminds me of my mother.

And the jeweler called and said my ring is ready.  I didn't mention that yet--I broke my wedding ring a couple weeks ago.  I was putting the dishes away and got my ring caught on a drawer pull (who DOES that?  SERIOUSLY) and it yanked the center diamond--the one that was part of my engagement ring--out.  I found it, and I was VERY glad to have done so.

I took the pieces to a local jeweler, because I don't tend to trust big name diamond merchants (wonder why that would be), and they told me everything they could about it.  I was there for a while!

So.  Good kids, lotion bars, tea, honey and lemons, getting my ring back tomorrow...I'm very grateful for days like today.

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