Monday, November 12, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude, Days 11 and 12

Day 11--since everyone is doing it, and since I've already been grateful for our freedoms, I'll take the 11th to be grateful for the soldiers who provided it.  I lived in a military town until last year, so I was a little closer to seeing how their families were affected, but it means I also got to witness homecomings.  The times I would be driving down the street in time to watch a man in uniform get out of a car and have someone come flying out of the house and into his arms always brought tears to my eyes.  Theirs too, I'm sure.

But even if everyone has been saying this today, it's important to remember how many times we've come close to losing everything.  World War II, after Pearl Harbor, the fighting wasn't here.  The most recent war, after the attacks, the fighting wasn't here.  We sent our soldiers thousands of miles away for all of that.

Day 12--The bumper sticker I've seen related to this says "If you can read this, thank a teacher.  If it's in English, thank a veteran."  So today...I thank those who have educated me.  All of them, even the teachers I don't really want to thank because they made it their business to tell me I was kidding myself by setting my goals high.  But also the ones who said "Screw those people, let me show you a really cool algorithm."  Even if I'm not using my degree today, I know I can because I had a lot of awesome people showing me the way.

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